Coalition Members

Our coalition consists of nonprofit land trusts, public agencies, conservation pros and conservation champions that are working to advance conservation and stewardship across our great state.

Since 1965, land trusts and their partners have helped Colorado families conserve more than 3.3 million acres of working lands, wildlife habitat and open spaces. Land trust members are diverse in scope, geographic location and size, and their mission centers on or prioritizes on-the-ground land, water and wildlife conservation initiatives and community-centered conservation.

Our public agencies are advancing conservation on public properties that serve their local communities across the state, many times in collaboration with land trusts as well as with each other. Our open space agency members alone have brought into the open space system and conserved more than 1 million acres of land. They include cities and counties, parks and open space departments, special districts, water entities, state agencies and federal agencies. We are currently seeking to expand our membership to include more public agencies. Learn more.

Our conservation pros are for-profit entities in Colorado that are instrumental to enabling and amplifying conservation, and include tax credit brokers, attorneys, appraisers, environmental consultants, due- diligence consultants and other firms in the business of enabling conservation and stewardship.

Our conservation champions are non-profit groups that are leading or engaged in conservation and stewardship through programs or services. They include stewardship, restoration, preservation, education, engagement, research and other program-oriented groups and partners with specific goals to advance conservation.

Without Keep It Colorado we’d all be working on our own, in our own region, with our own priorities. And that work continues to happen and will get done. But Keep It Colorado allows this ability for collaboration on a statewide scale where we can come together, share what we know about what’s important
with the work and then leverage that with all of our partners
for an overall statewide vision.”
— Rebecca Jewett, CEO, Palmer Land Conservancy