The Year in Retrospect - and What's Ahead

The year in retrospect

Last year took the coalition from concept to reality. Here's a quick overview of what we were able to accomplish.

  • Launch and location. Official restart of the coalition, including a fresh vision statement, new board of directors, first two staff members and an office location in downtown Golden.

  • Legislative and policy work. Successful reauthorization of the conservation easement program; Fall Policy Summit, where 70 community members gave voice to proposals for our 2020 policy initiatives; legislative visit to Washington D.C.; and participation in the HB19-1264 Working Group meetings, including submission of policy recommendations to the General Assembly and adoption of a policy platform. 

  • Member outreach and planning. Listening tour in four regions across the state (including getting out and enjoying the land!); review of the Conservation Futures Project surveys about the coalition’s priorities and needs; and initial development of programs and services to move this work forward in 2020. 

We thank our members, our partners and the conservation community for their involvement and support in making all of this happen - we couldn't have done it without them.

What’s ahead!

We've lined up the programs and initiatives that will put structure to our work in 2020 and beyond. We believe these areas of focus align well with the community's collective vision, needs and priorities for the coalition moving forward. Our community's input over the last 18 months has been essential to the process!

Our work will concentrate on advancing sound public policy that supports conservation at the local, state and federal level; creating opportunities for members to connect, collaborate and communicate; addressing and advancing emerging issues and opportunities, including those related to sustainability, training and capacity-building; and connecting more people in Colorado to conservation through strategic, coordinated public outreach and engagement

Here are some specific activities we're planning to kick the year into gear:

We’re looking forward to making great things happen in 2020!